Do You Have a Problem With Gratitude? 5 good reasons why you shouldn’t feel guilty if gratitude feel
It feels dangerously heretical to question the inherent goodness of an idea that has dominated the self-help world for a decade. However,...
Brief Exposure to Junk Food Affects Appetite and Memory: New research shows that hippocampal functio
Junk food seems to affect our ability to regulate appetite and thereby consumption, so that eating junk food makes it genuinely harder to...
Why Your Partner Overreacts (And You Do, Too)
When anyone "overreacts," the chances are that their reaction is in proportion to what they subconsciously think has just happened. The...
Con or Cure? The Tangled Science of Placebos and Drugs Are hope and expectation the keys to all psyc
Inflammation, periodontitis and depression
We explain how periodontitis (gum disease) could be linked to mental health and how dental professionals could help with mental health...
Ancient brains and modern anxiety
Our modern brains retain a primitive ‘threat detection’ system which is constantly scanning the world for danger and problems that...
Can My Dentist Cure Depression? The Surprising Role of Inflammation in Mental Health
Inflammation is increasingly billed as the root cause of a dizzying range of psychiatric conditions, from depression to addiction,...
How cold water swimming improves stress management: Mental Health, 'Loony Dookers' and Polar
Cold water swimmers can seem almost evangelical about their post-swimming 'high’ and credit cold swims with curing depression, anxiety...
Overcoming Obstacles to Change: Become your ally, not your bully.
We've seen in the previous posts that we can improve our chances of lasting change if we take into account the real role of the behavior...
Overcoming Obstacles to Change: Enlist your brain
Understanding a little about the basic neuroscience of change helps us better understand what really helps and why; and why change is so...