Dr Sarah Gingell
(CPsychol, MBACP)
Chartered Psychologist​
Joint Honours BSc in Psychology & Neuroscience (The University of Manchester, 1993).
PhD in cognitive science, focusing on memory and learning (The University of Edinburgh, 2006).
AQA Level 2 Certificate in Humanistic counselling (Hills Road College).
Level 4 Diploma in Humanistic counselling, including CBT (Hills Road college).
Intensive Certificate in Adlerian counselling (Bottisham college, Cambridge Adlerian Society)
Advanced Diploma in Counselling Studies (Bottisham college, Cambridge Adlerian Society).
Extended professional course 'Working with the effects of childhood sexual abuse in the counselling room' (Choices, Cambridge 2015).
I have also taken numerous shorter courses on a range of subjects including domestic abuse & child protection, drug & substance misuse, promoting mental health, young women and self-esteem, sexual health and relationships, rough sleepers, forced and incompatible marriages, BME women and children’s experiences etc mostly in Edinburgh, 2003-2006. Other courses include Samaritans training (25h+, 2007), PTSD & Children, MRC - 2011; Suicide risk training, Centre 33 - 2014, Working with trauma, Using memories in therapy, Talking about sex etc (Bottisham college, 2016).
Professional Memberships
Chartered member of the British Psychological Society - CPsychol, no: 296687. Check register here.
Registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy - MBACP no: 731681. Check approved Professional Register here.
Member of the UK Adlerian Society (ASIIP).
I adhere to the BACP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
My Professional Liability insurance is provided by Towergate insurance.
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